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Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Closet Efficiently

Closet Organization Tips Mastering the Marie Kondo Method

Organizing a closet is more than just arranging clothes and accessories. It’s about creating a functional space where every item has its designated spot, making daily routines smoother and more efficient. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into various strategies, from the tried-and-true methods to the latest trends, ensuring you have all the tools to transform your closet.

Whether you’re working with a spacious walk-in or a compact wardrobe, the principles of organization remain the same. It’s about optimizing space, ensuring ease of access, and, most importantly, maintaining the system once it’s in place. Let’s embark on this journey to decluttering and organizing your closet.

Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Closet Efficiently

Organizing a closet is more than just arranging clothes and accessories. It’s about creating a functional space where every item has its designated spot, making daily routines smoother and more efficient. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into various strategies, from the tried-and-true methods to the latest trends, ensuring you have all the tools to transform your closet.

Whether you’re working with a spacious walk-in or a compact wardrobe, the principles of organization remain the same. It’s about optimizing space, ensuring ease of access, and, most importantly, maintaining the system once it’s in place. Let’s embark on this journey to decluttering and organizing your closet.

Efficient Layout and Design Tips

When it comes to maximizing your closet space, the layout and design play a pivotal role. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Custom Built-Ins: In a narrow walk-in closet, dedicate a wall to custom built-ins for accessories and clothing. This not only provides ample storage but also gives the closet a polished look. For instance, Joy Cho added a skylight in her narrow but tall closet, introducing a touch of natural light.
  • Staggered Shelving: Boots, especially taller ones, can be challenging to store. If you’re building from scratch or renovating, consider staggered shelving or custom cubbies designed specifically for boots. This ensures they remain upright and are easy to access.

As we delve into the world of closet organization, it’s essential to consider innovative solutions that can truly elevate the space. One such game-changer is the Ruby Space Triangles. This unique organizer offers a blend of functionality and style, ensuring that every inch of your closet is utilized efficiently.

Efficient Layout and Design Tips

When it comes to maximizing your closet space, the layout and design play a pivotal role. Here are some strategies to consider:

Custom Built-Ins

In a narrow walk-in closet, dedicate a wall to custom built-ins for accessories and clothing. This not only provides ample storage but also gives the closet a polished look. For instance, Joy Cho added a skylight in her narrow but tall closet, introducing a touch of natural light.

Staggered Shelving

Boots, especially taller ones, can be challenging to store. If you’re building from scratch or renovating, consider staggered shelving or custom cubbies designed specifically for boots. This ensures they remain upright and are easy to access.

Matching Organizer Sets

Consistency is key. Using matching organizers, trays, and boxes for smaller items can make your closet look more organized and aesthetically pleasing. For instance, in a closet designed by Frank DeBiasi, custom woodwork matched the organizers, and gold rods were stacked to double the storage capacity.

Alternate Shoe Orientation

A simple yet effective trick is to alternate the way your shoes face on the shelf. This allows you to fit more pairs on each row and makes it easier to view and access your collection.

Repurpose Furniture

If building from scratch isn’t an option, consider repurposing old furniture. Designer Annie Brahler transformed an old armoire to accommodate her shoe collection, creating a unique and functional storage solution.

Budget-Friendly Organization Ideas

Organizing your closet doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some budget-friendly strategies:

Door Storage

Utilize the inside of your closet doors. Install rails or hooks to store high heels, hats, or accessories. This maximizes space and keeps frequently used items within easy reach.

DIY Floating Shelves

Floating shelves are not only trendy but also functional. They’re perfect for displaying your shoe collection or handbags. Plus, they can be painted to match your room’s decor, creating a cohesive look.

Corner Utilization

Corners are often overlooked in closet design. In a design by Tamsin Johnson, built-in benches featured storage underneath, and custom corner shelves provided a home for bags.

Bulky Clothes Storage

Use shoe organizers or bins to store bulky items like sweaters. Rolling them before stowing away prevents them from getting stretched out.

Jewelry Trays

Instead of letting your jewelry get tangled in a drawer, use trays or small organizers. This not only keeps them untangled but also makes it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Marie Kondo Method and Its Impact

The Marie Kondo method, also known as the KonMari method, has revolutionized the way people think about organization1. Here’s how you can apply it to your closet:

Joy Check

One of the fundamental principles of the KonMari method is to keep items that “spark joy.” Go through each item in your closet and ask yourself if it brings you joy. If not, thank it for its service and let it go.

Category Sorting

Instead of organizing room by room, the KonMari method emphasizes sorting by category. Start with clothes, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally, sentimental items.

Folding Technique

Marie Kondo’s unique folding technique not only maximizes storage space but also makes it easier to see and access your clothes. Instead of stacking them, clothes are stored vertically, allowing you to see everything at a glance.

Pinterest-Inspired Organization Ideas

Pinterest is a treasure trove of innovative and creative closet organization ideas2. Let’s explore some of the most popular and effective ones:

Color Coordination

Organizing your clothes by color not only makes your closet aesthetically pleasing but also simplifies the process of finding outfits. It’s a visual treat and a practical solution rolled into one.


Labels can be a game-changer, especially for items stored in bins or boxes. Whether it’s seasonal wear, accessories, or shoes, clear labels help in easy identification and access.

DIY Solutions

From repurposing old ladders as shoe racks to using pegboards for accessories, Pinterest offers a plethora of DIY solutions that are both functional and unique.

Theme-Based Organization

Organizing your closet based on themes, such as workwear, casuals, party wear, etc., can streamline your dressing routine, especially on busy mornings.

Organizing Toddler Closets

Toddlers grow fast, and so does their collection of clothes, toys, and accessories. Organizing a toddler’s closet comes with its unique set of challenges and requirements. Here’s how to tackle them:

Adjustable Shelving

As your toddler grows, their storage needs will change. Adjustable shelves offer the flexibility to reconfigure the closet space as required.

Open Bins

Open bins are perfect for storing toys, as they allow easy access and make cleanup time a breeze. Plus, they can be labeled and color-coded for better organization.

Low Hanging Rods

Installing rods at a lower height empowers toddlers to pick their outfits and fosters a sense of independence. It also simplifies the process of organizing and accessing their clothes.

Safety First

When organizing a toddler’s closet, safety should be the top priority. Ensure that furniture is anchored to the wall, and sharp or breakable items are out of reach. Regularly check for potential hazards and address them promptly.


Organizing a closet is a rewarding endeavor that brings both aesthetic and functional benefits. Whether you’re inspired by the Marie Kondo method, Pinterest ideas, or your unique approach, the key is to find a system that works for you and stick to it. With the right strategies and a bit of effort, you can transform your closet into a well-organized, efficient, and pleasing space.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Marie Kondo method for closet organization?

The Marie Kondo method, also known as the KonMari method, emphasizes decluttering by category and retaining only those items that “spark joy.” It also includes specific folding techniques to maximize storage space and visibility.

How can I organize my closet on a budget?

Budget-friendly closet organization ideas include utilizing the inside of closet doors for storage, DIY floating shelves, repurposing old furniture, and using shoe organizers for bulky clothes storage.

What are some design tips for an efficient closet layout?

Efficient closet design tips include custom built-ins, staggered shelving for boots, matching organizer sets, alternating shoe orientation, and maximizing corner spaces with built-in benches or shelves.

How can Pinterest inspire my closet organization?

Pinterest offers a plethora of closet organization ideas, from color coordination and labeling to DIY solutions and theme-based organization.

Are there specific organization tips for toddler closets?

Yes, organizing a toddler’s closet involves adjustable shelving, open bins for easy access, low hanging rods for independence, and prioritizing safety by anchoring furniture.


  1. https://konmari.com/about-the-konmari-method/ ↩︎
  2. https://www.pinterest.com/rmwright85/closet-organization/ ↩︎

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